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Freestyle自由式, Swimming游泳

Freestyle Drills – Handlead, Headlead, Switch自由泳-平衡,轉體練習

Handlead kicking drills – kicking and balance for freestyle and backstroke單手在前,側身平衡踢腿

Headlead kicking, Log Roll drills – learning switch and balance for freestyle and backstroke雙手在側,交替側身平衡踢腿

Underswitch, single switch, double switch, triple switch drill水中轉體(手回復動作在水面下),水面123次轉體(手回復動作在水面上)

Hand dip switches單手在前,手臂前後移動回復,123次轉體

Pushing off the wall

About Rebecca

A pretty lazy human being ! Lazy to do any boring stuff. Laziness can be a good thing. I use less energy than others and so contribute less carbon dioxide emission.


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