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Freestyle自由式, Swimming游泳

USA Swimming:Freestyle_Sailboat Drill自由泳_高肘回復帆形練習

這是針對自由泳保持平衡體位(Balance position),高肘回復(High elbow recovery)入水及在適當時機轉側(Switch from side to side)的練習。

Sailboad/Boat Drill 是因高肘回復時,手臂暫停在水上呈船帆形狀。

練習難度: 2 顆星

How to do ?

  1. 頭,頸,身成一直線,保持良好的體位(身體長軸在水線),頭保持不動,側身踢腿,一手在肩前,一手做往前回復入水(Recovery)動作,但手在入水前暫停(肘約在耳朵上方位置),踢7次腿(影片是踢7次,我踢6次,因為已經習慣其他踢6次Switch的練習)。
  2. 每踢7次腿後,前手做抓水划手(Catch & Pull)動作,同時上方的後手完成往前回復(Recovery)入水前伸動作,此時身體亦藉力轉向另一側,這轉換動作產生力量,移動身體往前。
  3. 交替換側重複動作。
  4. 需要穩定一致的踢腿,使身體穩定平衡保持在水線,才能有效執行轉側動作。尤其是手臂高肘在頭部上方暫停呈船帆形,身體重量分佈改變,更需要踢腿保持平衡。
  5. 與Catch-up練習相似,只是前後手沒有在前方相碰,而是後手追上前手之前,前手已經開始抓划接續動作。

Video: USA Swimming

Sail boat drill (FR drill) – kick on right or left side, lower arm out straight, other arm on your side, bring lower arm close to the entry and hold it there for few seconds without rotating the body This is an “advanced” drill in that it requires a very good kick.
Purpose of drill: work on recovery and entry; and work on proper timing sequence of switching from side to side. Sailboat drill – used to teach swimmers to swim “downhill”. Elbow in front of ear, hands vertically aligned. Six kick switch, switch from HIPS first (not from starting pull with arm).

About Rebecca

A pretty lazy human being ! Lazy to do any boring stuff. Laziness can be a good thing. I use less energy than others and so contribute less carbon dioxide emission.


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